Saturday, August 24, 2013

Slower progress than even walking...

Three hour drive, three hour wait in airport, two hour flight now another 90 minutes of waiting. There really is nothing else to do in Asturias Airport.

The plane to Spain is mainly in the rain...

What a miserable day! Cold, misty, raining. But in a few hours I will be in sunny Leon! Woo!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Abney & Teal Cake

Ingredients, one Tesco sponge cakes, too much ready roll icing and various food dyes. It was supposed to be a quaint scene on Abney and Teal's island but instead it has turned into Neep erupting from from a white lump as it emerges from a bit of bog. I am sure the small child will enjoy it though.

Small child's birthday

The small child having a nice time after her birthday party.